SAB7#110_Maslows_Hierarchy_of_ Needs


Mindmap am SAB7#110_Maslows_Hierarchy_of_ Needs, erstellt von Jonatan Rodríguez am 28/08/2015.
Jonatan Rodríguez
Mindmap von Jonatan Rodríguez, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Jonatan Rodríguez
Erstellt von Jonatan Rodríguez vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

SAB7#110_Maslows_Hierarchy_of_ Needs
  1. Cannot ascend to the next level until the levels below are fulfilled.
    1. Self-actualization
      1. Self-fulfillment, growth, learning
      2. Esteem
        1. Accomplishment, respect, attention, appreciation
        2. Safety
          1. Security, stability, freedom from harm
          2. Physiological
            1. Need for air, water, food, housing, clothing
            2. The people are not most motivated to work by security or money.
              1. The highest motivation is to contribute and to use their skills.
                1. Maslow called this “self-actualization.”
                  1. Social
                    1. Love, affection, approval, friends
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