Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Old Testament
- 1. Creation
- Creation takes 7 Days
- Day 1: Light
- Day 2: Sky/Waters
- Day 3: Land/Vegetation
- Day 4: Sun, moon, and stars
- Day 5: Birds/Fish
- Day 6: Animals
- Humans are created in God's image
- God rests on 7th day
- Sabbath is Created
- Means rest or completion
- 2. The Fall
- Father of Lies
- Satan lies to Eve so she eats the forbidden fruit
- Sin Begins
- When Eve eats the fruit sin beings
- There are four consequences of sin
- Separation from god
- Death
- Work hard for food
- Pain in childbirth
- 7. Moses and the Exodus
- Moses is an Israelite but raised and Egyptian.
- Kill someone so flees to Midian and becomes a shepherd
- God calls on Moses to go back to Egypt through a burning bush
- Moses goes to Egypt and frees Israelits
- Pharaoh won't let Israelites go at first but eventually frees the slaves
- The ten plagues occur over Egypt because of slavery
- Israelites are freed from Egypt and head to the desert
- 3. The Flood
- After the flood God makes a promise
- He will never destroy the world again
- The sign of his promise is a rainbow
- The flood represents baptism
- The world becomes very sinful
- The only righteous man is Noah
- God tells Noah to build an Ark
- And brings two pairs of every animal
- So God destroys the World
- It rains for 40 days and nights.
- All living breathing things die
- 4. Abraham
- God wants him to kill his son Isaac
- Abraham obeys and takes Isaac up the mountain
- Abraham gets wood and builds and alter.
- He's put Isaac on the alter and is about to sacrifice him
- God comes in and saves the day.It was all a test.
- Abraham and his wife can't have children
- God Promises Abraham land, many descendants, and many nations
- None of them come true in his lifetime but they do eventually come true
- 6. Joseph
- Favorite son of Jacob, brothers get jealous
- His brothers sell him into slavery
- Works for Potipher but then gets arrested
- In prison he tells people what there dreams mean
- Pharaoh learns about this and calls Joseph out of jail to interpret his dream
- Joseph tells Pharaoh his dreams mean 7 years of famine and 7 years of plenty
- Pharaoh puts Joseph into a high position
- Joseph sees his family again and they eventually move to Egypt with him
- 5. Jacob/Israel
- Jacob is the son of Isaac
- He has an older brother and he steals his birthright
- Runs away to Haran because Esau is so angery
- He ends up having 12 sons.
- One of which is Joseph who becomes a person of high power in Egypt
- Jacob moves to Egypt at the end of his life
- He meets Rebecca and marries her
- Mt. Sinai and Giving of the Law
- The Israelites need some order
- God decides to create the law
- He sends Moses up Mt. Sinai to receive the law
- Israelites get worried. Moses has been up there for a long time and its storming
- God writes 10 commandments with his finger
- These commandments are placed inside the tabernacle
- King David
- Becomes king after Saul
- Saul tries to kill him
- 8. David has the opportunity to kill him but doesn't
- He cheats on his wife
- He gets the woman he cheated on with pregnant
- So he decided to kill her husband