Erin Meyer


Mindmap am Erin Meyer, erstellt von Paula Moreno am 26/09/2021.
Paula Moreno
Mindmap von Paula Moreno, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Paula Moreno
Erstellt von Paula Moreno vor mehr als 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Erin Meyer
  1. The Culture Map: The Future of Management
    1. How different cultures see one and other
      1. Cultural similarities
        1. Cultural differences
          1. Globalization made it change because of cultural differences
            1. Cultures can be really similar between each other but at the same time be so different in other aspects
          2. Being an effective leader
              1. Children and authority
                1. Swedish culture
                  1. Mexican culture
                    1. Teacher (Authoritie)
                      1. Seen as a facilitator, as a challenge
                        1. Child DEFERS from the authoritie
                          1. Authentic flexibility
                            1. As a consequence, we need to learn and adapt to each different culture and also to respect ours
                              1. Learn to move back and forth form one type of style to another
                                1. This would be the future of leadership in our global economy
                    2. are new technologies making cultural differences impact us less?
                      1. Interconnecting more
                        1. Getting to know new aspects of culture
                          1. Mixing with other cultures
                        2. The language of negative feedback
                          1. Indirect negative feedback
                            1. DOWN GRADERS (Try to soften the errors)
                              1. Indirect cultures
                              2. Direct negative feedback
                                1. UP GRADERS (Words that make the negative message stronger)
                                2. High context
                                  1. Indirect negative feedback
                                  2. Low context
                                    1. Direct negative feedback
                                      1. Direct cultures
                                    2. Switching directions between both feedback and context (High, low, indirect and direct)
                                      1. This makes it harder to recognize if we are talking about cultural or personal components
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