Major achievements of the High Middle Ages


Mindmap von jimebruni_98, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von jimebruni_98 vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Major achievements of the High Middle Ages
  1. The first European university in Bologna.
    1. The first university in northern Europe was the University of Paris.
      1. A number of students and masters left Paris and started their own university, Oxford in England.
        1. By 1500, there were 80 universities in Europe.
        2. The development of the printing press in the fifteenth century.
          1. Those who had earned doctor's degrees were officially able to teach, although they also pursued other careers.
            1. Universities provided the teachers, administrators, lawyers, and medical doctors .
            2. Architecture
              1. Cathedrals
                1. castles
                  1. Romanesque
                    1. Gothic Architecture
                    2. Trade and Business
                      1. Marketplace
                        1. Trade fairs
                          1. Banks
                          2. the rise of ethnocentrism, which evolved later into modern civic nationalisms in most of Europe,
                            1. the ascent of the great Italian city-states
                              1. the rise and fall of the Muslim civilization of Al-Andalus
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