Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Approaches, Methods, Strategies, Techniques
- Approaches: For many years,
language teachers have tried to
search for the best approach to
teach a second language. At the
moment, there are 3
approaches. The
Communicative Approach,
Cognitive Approach, and the
Grammatical Approach. These
are listed in red.
- Methods: Under the approaches,
there are methods that
teachers/educators can use that
align with the beliefs of each
approach. For example for the
Communicative Approach there
are many methods that follow
the ideas of "communication"
which are the SIOP method and
the ICB method.
- Strategies : On page 183 of
the Mastering ESL/EFL
Methods, it explains that
strategies are a, "collection of
philosophically grounded and
functionally related
techniques that serves as an
implementation component
of an instructional method.'
- Techniques: On page 183 of
the Mastering ESL/EFL
Methods, it explains that a
technique, "constitutes
specific actions or action
sequences that have been
designed to achieve a
defined, strategic objective.
- Communicative Approach:
According to the text Matering
ESL/EFL Methods, As the name
implies, "the communicative
approach focuses on learning
language through and for
- ICB Method: According to the
Mastering ESL/EFL Methods text the
ICB Method is, "A communicative
method that involves the
concurrent teaching of academic
subject matter and second language
acquisition skills."
- Anchor Charts/Visuals
Strategy: During an ICB
lesson, the teacher must
use many visuals to help
students throughout the
- Technique: Word wall,
KWL chart
- Application with EB
students: For example, a
mind map, or any kind of
diagram made during the
lesson with the help of EB
- Sheltered Instruction Observation
Protocol (SIOP) Method: The Mastering
ESL/EFL Methods explains that this
method is like "A vehicle for delivering
SCAFFOLDED instruction of the existing
curriculum so that instruction is more
comprehensible for students who are
acquiring English."
- Collaborative Learning
Strategy: The teacher
lets students
collaborate together
during these SIOP
- Turn and Talk
- Application with EB students: A
technique that the teacher
may use to let students
collaborate are turn and talks.
Students can turn and talk
with their partner and discuss
what they have learned.
- Grammatical Approach: According to
the text Matering ESL/EFL Methods,
"The underlying philosophy of the
approach assumes that learners
acquire language most efficiently by
memorizing language rules and
sentence patterns in a methodical,
sequenced curriculum."
- Grammar Translation
Method: The Mastering
ESL/EFL Methods text
describes this method as,
"the teacher first presented
language rules to students.
Then the students
memorized a vocabulary list.
Finally, the students applied
the language rules and
- Strategy: Memorization.
Educators sometimes ask
students to memorize
- Technique: Memorizing
spelling words or
vocabulary words and
- Application with EB: Have
students memorize picture
- Audiolingual Method: The
Mastering ESL/EFL text explains
that, "the audiolingual method
presented pattern drills and
dialogue designed to develop
grammatical structures and
vocabulary in a highly sequential
manner. Teachers reinforced
accurate production and error
correction through consistent
- Drills Strategy:
Teachers may use the
first five minutes of
class to do drills. These
are usually timed .
- Technique: Sometimes
teachers also give students
worksheets of
multiplication facts and give
them 1 minute to complete
the math facts.
- Application with EB
Students: Give them
worksheets to do and time
them for a minute to
- Direct Method: The Mastering
ESL/ EFL Methods text states,
"According to this method,
teachers would model and
students would practice
language patterns, with the
goal of internalizing
grammatical patterns."
- Repetition Strategy: Educators
sometimes use repetition as a
strategy to help students learn
their second language.
- Technique: A
technique that could
be use is holding up
picture flash cards
and having students
name the object.
- Application with EB students:
The teacher will repeat this
over and over until the
student learns the flashcards.
This technique is not that
- Cognitive Approach: According to
the text Matering ESL/EFL
Methods, "the history and
evolution of the cognitive
approach is integrally connected to
that of cognitive psychology and
the acceptance of trends in that
discipline among educational
- CALLA Method: The Mastering
ESL/EFL Methods explains this as, "A
method of instruction that is
grounded in the cognitive approach
and focuses on the explicit
instruction of learning strategies
and the development of critical
thinking as a means of acquiring
deep levels of language proficiency."
- Metacognitive Strategy: The
metacognitive strategies
involving literacy development
include monitoring
comprehension and monitoring
- Reflection
- Application with EB
students: Students
can reflect on what
they learned the day
before or at the end
of class.
- PAGE 183 has a
great diagram
that explains how
these 4
categories work
with each other.