ESL Instructional Approaches & Methodologies


Mindmap am ESL Instructional Approaches & Methodologies, erstellt von Madison Dahlke am 24/10/2021.
Madison Dahlke
Mindmap von Madison Dahlke, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Madison Dahlke
Erstellt von Madison Dahlke vor etwa 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

ESL Instructional Approaches & Methodologies
  1. ("The BROADEST Category") philosophical orientation that guides one's choice of methods consistent with theory and research that supports the philosophy
    1. ("The MOST SPECIFIC Category") the action or actions that take place to accomplish a specific strategy
      1. a combination of related skills that are grounded in philosophy and represent a specific component of the implementation of a method
        1. Method
          1. the practical application of one's instructional approach that consists of procedures consistent with one's instructional philosophy
            1. Grammatical
              1. Grammar-Translation Method: oral language is not as important as written language
                1. Audiolingual Method: very little use of one's native language; repetitive practice paired with error correction and drills
                2. Cognitive
                  1. The CALLA Method: instruction that focuses on teaching students learning strategies that they can use for both content and language learning
                  2. Communicative
                    1. ICB (Integrated Content-Based) Method: stresses development of the target language by integrating content and language instruction into strategic units
                      1. Sheltered Instruction Method: utilizes collaboration, guarded vocabulary, visual aids, and scaffolding to enhance and support instruction
                    2. Technique
                      1. Communicative
                        1. Turn and Talk
                          1. Pre-teaching Vocabulary
                            1. Manipulatives (i.e., colored tiles, snap cubes, base ten blocks)
                              1. Anchor Charts
                              2. Cognitive
                                1. Partner Investigations
                                  1. Student discourse (e.g. number talks)
                                    1. Structured problem solving
                                    2. Searching for evidence within a text
                                      1. Co-planning / co-teaching
                                        1. Establishing Team Expectations
                                        2. 'I do, we do, you do"
                                        3. Grammatical
                                          1. Flash cards
                                            1. Memorizing acronyms (e.g. PEDMAS)
                                              1. Dialogue Memorization
                                        4. Strategy
                                          1. Communicative
                                            1. Hands-on Learning
                                              1. Guarded Vocabulary
                                                1. Cooperative Learning
                                                  1. Visual Supports
                                                  2. Cognitive
                                                    1. Classroom Collaboration
                                                      1. Student-driven inquiry
                                                        1. Modeling learning strategies
                                                        2. Grammatical
                                                          1. Rote-memorization of rules BEFORE applying them
                                                            1. Repeated practice to perfect a specific skill
                                                          2. Approach
                                                            1. Grammatical (19th century)
                                                              1. A teacher-centered approach based on Greek and Latin instruction that focuses on teaching the rules and structure of the target language
                                                              2. Cognitive (1980s-90s)
                                                                1. A learner-centered approach that models learning strategies and using language as a mean of communication
                                                                2. Communicative (1960s-70s)
                                                                  1. A student-centered approach that utilizes meaningful social interactions, communication and constructivism
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