Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Skills of effective
- Government
- Gather evidence to solve an issue
- Formal debate with evidence
- Identify types of government
- Contact representative
- Petition
- Political rally
- US Ambassador in
- CIty Council
- Bill of Rights
- Police Officer
- Represent a defendant in a
criminal case
- History
- Analyze past battles
- Organize events from B.C.
- Effects of invasion
- Teach about ancient
- Radio Carbon
Dinosaur bones
- Major Events of Ming Dynasty
- Make timeline of Indus
RIver Civilizations
- Geography
- Use a map scale
- Understand different religions
- Protect wildliife
- Clean water projects
- Live and study various Bantu
- Travel guide to Indonesia
- Work in a diamond mine
- Learn the foods of
Jungle Pygmies
- Economy
- Household budgets
- Hire company to move products
- Decide how many goods to produce
- Make deal with Chinese to
trade watches
- Captain a ship
- Design and sell auto parts
- Use data to predict the density
of the poulation in twenty years