Multicultural Differences


Multicultural Differences
Mindmap von jfmoncada, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von jfmoncada vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Multicultural Differences
  1. Multinational Companies
    1. unique features of multicultural minds
      1. critical roles
        1. develop global products
          1. monocultural
            1. marketing products
            2. global brands
              1. integrating new team members from different cultures
          2. Multicultural Managers
            1. directors
              1. can make a huge, positive difference to the success of global innovation projects and processes
                1. creativity
                    1. intercultural, cognitive integration
                    2. leadership skills
                      1. brings something innovative in the market
                        1. ability to be effective
                    3. personality
                      1. teams effectively
                          1. think as a member of one culture or another
                            1. being extroverted, assertive and sociable
                              1. cultural diversity
                                1. meet people from different countries
                                  1. Multiculturalism
                                    1. because I have references in different languages
                                      1. English
                                        1. studying and woking abroad as an adult
                                          1. takes time and effort
                                            1. global executive
                                              1. human resourse
                                                1. Organisational culture
                                        2. Hindi
                                          1. French
                                            1. parents from different cultural origins
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