Elements of a narrative text


Elements of a narrative text
Dayana Conlago
Mindmap von Dayana Conlago, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Dayana Conlago
Erstellt von Dayana Conlago vor etwa 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Elements of a narrative text
  1. Characteres
    1. secondary
      1. Accompany the main characters
      2. Main
        1. Protagonists
          1. The story will turn to them
          2. Antagonists
            1. Confront the protagonists
        2. Narrator
          1. 1st person
            1. The story is told from the point of view of a character in the story and uses the pronouns "I" and "we". It can be counted as:
              1. protagonist
                1. witness
              2. 2nd person
                1. establishes a dialogue with himself or with the reader
                2. 3rd person
                  1. Omniscient
                    1. He is not part of the story, he knows everything about the story, he knows what the characters think and feel
                3. Plot
                  1. Actions are reported, events carried out by characters within the framework of time and space. The facts are chronological and have an introduction or initial situation, knot or complication and outcome or resolution.
                  2. Space
                    1. Real or fictitious place or places where the narrated events take place.
                    2. Time
                      1. Time and duration of the events recounted
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