Zusammenfassung der Ressource
smoking mountain and sleeping
- long long ago
before the
arrived in what is
today mexico
- he belonged to the tlaxcala
tribe and was head over head
over heels for ixtaccihuatlk
- the daughter of the local chief
- the tlaxcala had to pay
tribute to the mighty aztec
- paying it was against the grain that`s why one
day,the tlaxcalan chief decides that it`s time to
free his peopple from the aztec domination
- before going off to war ,
popocatepetl asks
ixtaccihuatl`s father for
her hand
- popocatepetl wins
all the battles and
upon his triumphant
return to tlaxcala
- what
was perfectly
alright when he
left she wasn`t
even a little under
the weather
- so he begins walking up
the mountains higher
with his princess body in
his arms