Football Genius


tells about the book
Brice Keller
Mindmap von Brice Keller, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Brice Keller
Erstellt von Brice Keller vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Football Genius
  1. Setting
    1. Time: september
      1. Place: Atlanta
      2. Tim Green
        1. Characters
          1. Troy
            1. helpful, eager, wondering
            2. Seth Hollaway
              1. nice, caring, Athletic
              2. Mom
                1. careful, scared, thankful
                2. Coach Krock
                  1. mean, uncaring, doesn't like change
                3. Theme
                  1. I think the theme in my book is if you adimt to your mistates you will do better in life
                    1. Theme is brought up in my story by troy taking a football from Seth Hallaways house
                    2. Main Conflict
                      1. The coaches will not let troy help the falcons
                        1. Coach krock is mean and doesn't like troys mom
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