Zusammenfassung der Ressource
geography... food stuff??
- gm foods
- advantages
- can improve yield of crop / yield faster
- ok sm things link back to
yield. whats so gr8 about a
lot of yield???
- hIGHER income. moRE Output, more $$ . more $$, more
technology/$$ 2 buy things 2run the farm!!
- expand the farm ya, buy new stuff !! higher capital can be
invested in2 farm, higher input= higher output. cyCLE! !
- pest resistant !! (also links to improving yield)
- basically,, weather won't affect it::
drought/cold resistant !! (links to
improving yield)
- can improve shelf life
- u better understand how gr8 this is. we can stocKPILE Food noW.
drought? famine?? no WoRRIES we got a bunch of food from 4ever
- improved taste
- improved levels of nutrition
- which, by the way is reALLY
- golDEN RICE!! it contains vitamin a. fantastic.
- we hAve so mANY
people suffering from
malnutrition. oh my
god. this can hELP FIX
- disadvantages
- mAJOr health risks!! what if
someones allergic 2 like,, gm
- if that doesn't seEM likea problem, tHINk
- things like coRN syrup = used in foods !! :00 so what if
someones allergic 2 gm corn,, and then it isn't specified
if it;s gm corn or not??
- so like. the corn
syrup could
affecT This
- seriously?? we need better food labelling
- actually.. a rly big dominance of certain
companies (agribusiness)aka, monsanto
- uh. so whys this a prOBLEM??
- gdi so alL gm foods basically come from these
companIES. the seedlings, fertilisers, eVERYTHing.
- and they're super expensivE, what rhe hELl
- the cost basically goes uPP
all the time, sucks 4 the
farmers, yay 4 the
- so when the farmers want a higher
yielD= overRELiance on this
- so if the prices go up.. .dun dun
dun we got ourselves an
afFORDABILITY issue here, folks
- bIODIVersity i;m cryING the
earth must be protected
- the gene can get cross pollinated. MONARCH
- ok so these poor butterlfies feed on
milk wheat, which is sprinkled w. the
genes of a gm corn
- the corn has a gene which KILLS
THEESE BEAUTFIul butterlfies. dIE, the
population = diE !!!
- can elaborate on how it affects food
chain as a whole !!
- so, rly affects the biodiversity. im crying
- superweeds. sounds scary? ur right
- we make stronger herbicide. weeds become stronger, cycle continues
- you thought it cldnt get worse?? think aGAIn
- so it's gm food. u cant use regular
herbicide! :00 what do u do?? back 2
companies 4 help
- they ask agribusiness for
help.. c where this is
going???? agribusiness =
comes up w/ stronger
- oh my goD... the agribusiness beneFITS. but guess what?? the
pests/weeds bcome resistant again. we're doomed, the cycle
repeaTS itself. can u believe
- poor farmers, good 4 agribusiness people. bad oVERALl
- two-sided answers,
give both
- know the difference between this and high yielding varieties
- ok. hyvs = wiTHIN the same species. gm foods are transgenic!! gr8
- ipo systems
- greater input = greater output. this is gr8
- i liED it's coMMON SENSE USE YOUR DAMn brain
- i got nothing.. use common sense, folks
- read:: fail this section together !! nice
- no lie i got nothing,, but basically have a general statement =
- yes, = if xx is changed, xy changes 2 !!!! common sense
- i mean,, if input changes, output changes too !!
wow, i love this logic. its so.. hard 2 understand??
- list inputs & purposes. like,
the purpose of the input??
what does this lead 2 ?? why
do we need this input. ya
- aight and then u better describe the
processes. whAT do these inputs go
- kACHING!!!!! inputs done
processes doNE. what's the
output?? (s)
- gdi this sucks i know i'm missing smth. but what