Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Eatwell Plate
- High fat/Sugar foods
- Why we eat them
- Energy
- Examples
- Chocolate
- Fizzy drinks
- Meat, fish, eggs and beans
- Why we eat them
- Source of protein
which is needed for
body growth and
- Fruit and Vegateables
- Examples
- Carrots
- Vitamin A
- Broccoli
- Why we eat them
- Supply
vitamins and
minerals as
well as fibre
- Milk and Dairy foods
- Why we eat them
- Supplies Protein and Vitamin D
- examples
- Milk
- Cheese
- Bread, Rice, Potatoes, pasta etc.
- Why we eat them
- Carbohydrates-sorce
of slow burning
- Nutrients
- Carbohydrates
- Needed for energy
- Protein
- Needed for
body growth
and repair
- deficiency desies
- Kwashiokor
- The body starts eating
away at muscle tissue
for energy, stomach
- Vitamins
- Vitamin A
- Healthy Vision
- Healthy skin
- Deficiency desieses
- Nyctalopia
- Inability
to see in
the dark
- Vitamin B Complex
(thiamin, riboflavin
and niacin)
- Release of
energy form
- Healthy Skin
- Vitamin C
- Healthy skin
- Protect Cells
- Vitamin D
- earthy Bones and teeth
- Minerals
- Calcium
- growth of
teeth and
- Iron
- Formation of red blood cells
- Aneamia
- Fibre
- Needed for health digestion