Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Various ESL Methods
and Strategies
- ICB: Integrated Content Based Instruction
- Integrated Content
Based Instruction
focuses on the use of
lesson themes to
deliver content driven
language instruction.
- Process for Creating
ICB Lesson:
*Planning (theme,
topics, objectives,
learning, integrating
literacy, engage,
graphic organizers,
learning centers)
- Example Lesson: A group of CLD
kindergartners are learning
about insects. The ESL instructor
plans a one-week themed
segment on insects and
introduces a new insect each
day. The student will focus on
aspects such as legs, wings,
colors, name of insect, designs,
etc. By the end of the segment,
students should be able to
identify 5 insects based on the
elements learned.
- SIOP: Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol
- Sheltered Instruction
focuses on
developing the skills
students need in
language and
content development.
- The four common
themes of SIOP:
*Hands-On Activities
*Cooperative Learning
*Guarded Vocabulary
- Example Lesson: A group of
second grade CLD students are
learning 2D and 3D shapes in
math. The students will learn the
2D terms circle, square, triangle,
and rectangle. Students will learn
the differences of these shapes
and how many sides they have.
Students will also learn 3D terms
sphere, cube, prism, and cone.
The teacher will use flash card
visuals for 2D shapes and objects
for 3D shapes to help students
distinguish the difference. In
addition, students will draw the
shapes in a hands-on activity. The
teacher will assess student
understanding by having students
sort 2D and 3D shapes into 2
baskets at the end of the session,
while also identifying the shape
they are sorting.
- CALLA: Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach
method focuses
on the
cognitive, and
social strategies
that students can
apply to learning.
- The 5 phases of
- Example Lesson: A group of fourth grade students
are asked to complete a history project for Black
History month. The students need to gather facts,
pictures, and other resources and create a poster
about a historical figure in Black history. The ESL
teacher prepares and gives a lesson on researching
information on the internet. The students then
begin using what they learned for their project. The
ESL teacher asks the students to keep notes about
how they found their information as well as how
they knew the information was relevant to their
projects. The ESL teacher then discusses how the
students might be able to use these research
methods in the future with other projects. The
students verbally explain how they can apply their
newly learned research skills.