Week 8: Water, Food, Malnutrition


Links between food and water insecurity in relation to climate
Emilie Perreault
Mindmap von Emilie Perreault, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Emilie Perreault
Erstellt von Emilie Perreault vor fast 3 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Week 8: Water, Food, Malnutrition
  1. Water availability
    1. Water availability
      1. Increasing demand for irrigation, industrialization, domestic use
        1. Future
          1. Higher demand, less supply - less water availability
        2. Water Stress
          1. Physical water stress
            1. Physical access is limited; scarcity occurs when resources don't meet demand
            2. Economic water stress
              1. Water present but require economic resources that aren't
            3. Day Zero
              1. The day where water reserves drop to minimum level to sustain critical services
                1. Regulating water use, rationing, reusing water
                2. Water Quality Issues
                  1. Harmful algal blooms
                    1. Population explosion of toxic algal caused by excess nutrients
                      1. Toxic, produces neurotoxins
                      2. Increase temperatures increase rate and growth of toxic algae
                      3. Precipitation and temperature changes affect quantity and quality of water
                        1. Contaminates water, increases water-related illnesses
                        2. Climate Influence
                          1. Increase precipitation increases runoff, increasing risk to contaminated water
                        3. Agriculture
                          1. Agriculture Revolution
                            1. Shift from foraging to farming - predictable food source, development of villages, raises earth's carrying capacity
                            2. Green Revolution
                              1. Increase agriculture production through high-yield crop varities, fertilizers, pesticides
                              2. Impacts
                                1. GHG emissions, high water use, water pollution, air pollution, soil erosion, etc.
                                  1. Increase food production
                                    1. Declines ecosystems ability crop productivity, food scarcity
                                    2. Solutions
                                      1. Eating less meat
                                        1. GMO's
                                          1. Flour-like protein powder made from CO2, H2O and electricity
                                        2. Undernourishment and Food Insecurity
                                          1. Climate impacts
                                            1. Quantity and quality of food harvest
                                              1. Threatens food production
                                              2. Threats to food insecurity
                                                1. Poverty
                                                  1. Higher food prices
                                                    1. Agriculture stress
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