Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Beliefs
- Heretics: challenged
RCC doctrine
- John Wycliffe:
Bible in English
- Oxford University
- No transubtantiation
- No papal headship
- Rejected tradition in
favour of sola scriptura
- Location
- Chiltern Hills = biggest group
- Rural
- Lower class artisans
- Coventry, Cambridge,
East Anglia, Cotswolds
- None in the north,
south or west
- Historiography
- Traditionalist
- Smith: Lollardy was an
important background
- Revisionalist
- Elton: Lollardy had no
part in Reformation
- Impact
- No unified beliefs
- Ignorance?
- The only record of beliefs is
The Twelve Conclusions of
- Not authoritative
- Lollardy grew after 1500
- Heresy hunting?
- Small, underground
- Lollard is a derogatory
term for uneducated