Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Horizontal Violence in Nursing
- Continue to support and seek to improve standars of nursing
accreditation focused on the preventionof and response to lateral
- Solutions by APNs
- Confrontational Bahavior
- Work place conflict
- Repeated hostile or unwanted
- Psychological Harassment
- Environmental
- Poor lighting
- Lack of safety
- Violent patients & family
- Factors that contribute
- Personal/individual
- Mental illnesses
- female gender workers
- low sense of worth
- drug & alcohol habits
- Serve as organizational catalysts to establish institutional committees charged with the
responsibiliy of establishing no tolerance policies aimed at preventing and reducing horizontal
- Organizational
- Lack of resources
- Understaffing
- low supervisor support
- Nurses undervalued
- intensive and sizable patient load
- Management
- vertical abuse
- Managers lack skills & training
- Managers ambivalent attitudes towards policies & procedures
- Advocate for legislation that adddresses reasonable nurse-patient ratios.
- Participate in the training of new nurses, ensuring that nurses are
empowered as they enter the health care workforce