Zusammenfassung der Ressource
King Henry II and the restoration of royal
authority- the use of castles
- King
- All Royal Castles to be surrendered
- 1154- 49 castles under royal control, 225 in the hands of barons
- 1214- 179 baronial castles to 93 royal castles
- Stephens reign/ the
landscape before Henry
came to power
- Barons took over royal castles of built their own.
- This took money and power from the crown
- E.g William of Aumale, earl of York, refused to
give up Scarborough Castle . Both the castle
and earldom were now forfeit
- £21,000 spent on castle works
(recorded int he pipe rolls of his
reign) £6,500 spent on Dover
castle alone
- Renovation of castles from wood to stone
- Purser
- used rivalries between barons and
his undisputed title as King to
re-take royal castles
- Faced opposition from the Earls of York, Hereford and Wigmore.
- December 1154-, marched against William of York, both himself and Roger of Hereford surrendered
- Laid siege to to Hugh of Wigmore's
castles, took the castles and Hugh
submitted in front of others in July
- Self- imposed exile of Henry of Blois, Bishop of
Winchester and brother to Henry's predecessor.
He virtually ruled Hampshire and in his absence
his castles were demolished
- Huscroft
- 1157 confiscates castles of Stephen's sons, count
William of Boulogne, and of Hugh Bigod
- 1155 issues the surrender of all royal lands
- William of Aumale refuses to give up Scarborough castle
- On the Welsh border, Roger of
Hereford and Hugh Mortimor offer
initial resistance
- 1157 Earls of Suffolk and Norfolk
surrender their castles
- 1176 took all castles into
royal custody for a time
- Spent £46,00 between 1155 and 1215, an average of £760 annually
- 1154 1
in 5
1214- 1
in 2
- 1165 allows Hugh Bigod to take back two castles, but builds a large
castle nearby worth £1400 in Orford to remind Hugh who had 'the
ultimate power in the Kingdom
- Carpenter
- Before 1154 royal castles given away
- Destroys the unlicensed castles created by Stephen
- Geoffrey de Mandeville, earl of Essex, castle seized in 1157 but made to be one
of Henry's judges at a later period
- Took the royal castle of
Bridgnorth from Hugh de
- Denied Walter, brother of Robert of Hereford, succession to the earldom and royal
castles of Glouchester and Hereford
- 1157 William, Stephens son, forced to surrender castle of Norwhich and Pevensey, eye and Lancaster -
a breach of the Treaty of Winchester
- King Malcolm surrenders all possessions in the North of England- breaking the the
promises made to King David in 1147
- Retained thirty castles he obtained in 1155, helping to convert 225 baronial and 49 royal
castles to 179 baronial and 93 royal. A ration of 5:! to 2:!
- £21,000 spent on castle building, average of £650 a