What is the role of eEF1A1 during heat shock response?


Mind map of Vera et al. "The translation elongation factor eEF1A1 couples transcription to translation during heat shock response."
Joy Fihosy
Mindmap von Joy Fihosy, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Joy Fihosy
Erstellt von Joy Fihosy vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

What is the role of eEF1A1 during heat shock response?
  1. What processes is eEF1A1 a part of in HSR?
    1. Is it involved in translation?
      1. What elements of translation is it involved with?
        1. eEF1A1 facilitates HSP70 mRNA nuclear export
          1. eEF1A1 binds to 3'UTR of HSP70 and regulates its stability
        2. Is it involved in transcription?
          1. What elements of transcription is it involved with?
            1. What happens in transcription when eEF1A1 is knocked down?
              1. Is there a function of the cell or a protein that is reduced as a result of knocking down eEF1A1
                1. How does eEF1A1 regulate HSP70 expression?
                  1. How does eEF1A1 regulate thermotolerance?
                  2. Does the other isofrom of eEF1A (eEF1A2) have the same affect if it is knocked down?
                  3. What is the mechanism in which eEF1A1 regulates transcription of HSP genes?
                    1. eEF1A1 mediates HSF1 recruitment to HSP70 promoter
                      1. eEF1A1 localizes at HSP70 and interacts with RNAIIP during HS
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