Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Causative Organism - Schistosome
- 4 Intestinal (Mansoni - Africa & Middle East) (Japonicum - China, Philippines) (Mekongi
- Laos, Cambodia) (Guineensis - Rain Forest Central Africa)
- 1 Urogenital (Haematobium - Africa, Middle East)
- Life Cycle of the Schistisome
- Capable of burrowing into Human skin, Disease caused by Body's Immune reaction to presence of Parasitic eggs, Infected
person can transmit via Faeces & Urine, Cercariae can survive in open water for up to 7 days, Adult Worms if untreated
remain active for up to 5 years, the female will continue to lay eggs throughout lifespan
- Symptoms
- Acute - Weekly Development
- Symptoms: Flu-like Fever, High Temperature (Above 38oC WHO), Muscle Aches, Headaches,
Anemia, Skin Rash ( Red, Blotchy, Raised,"Swimmers Itch"), Sporadic Coughing, Scarring of
the Bladder, Lymph Node Enlargement
- Female Specific: Lesions of the Cervix, Bleeding
after Intercourse, Genital Ulcers, Irregular
- Chronic - Monthly Development
- Symptoms: Cystitis, Fatigue, Haematuria (Blood in the Urine), Incontinence, Watery & Bloody
Diarrhoea, Vomitting Blood, Paralysis of the Legs (If parasite reaches Central Nervous System)
- Global Distribution Of Schistosomiasis - World Health Organisation
- Treatment & Prevention
- Adult Worms eradicated through medication (Prazquiantel) remnants broken down by the Body
- Serious Health problems in those who are malnourished or dehydrated. NHS claims 72 reported cases between 2011-2012.
2nd most common disease caused by parasite after Malaria. 243 million cases worldwide; 90% occurrence in Sub-Saharan
Africa (WHO)
- Insect repellent DEET (Diethyltolumide) at
50% concentration immediately kills
parasites after exposure
- Steroid Medication (Corticosteroids) relieve
symptoms of acute Schistosomiasis and
help control allergic reaction to eggs
- Prevention: Wearing waterproof clothing, Boil or Filter water
before consumption, aim for clear patches of water with minimal
vegetation, dry yourself as soon as exiting water