Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Pyloric
- genetic
- first male child
- concentric hypertrophy of circular muscle layer
- Regurgitation, PROJECTILE vomiting, palpable
epigastric OLIVE-LIKE mass, visible peristalsis
- Treatment: MYOTOMY of the hypertrophied
stomach and the stenosed part
- Acquired
- Chronic antral gastritis, peptic upcelrs, malignancy
- Gastritis
- Inhibit Prostaglandin synthesis
- No mucus
- alcohol
- Smoking
- Toxins that damage the mucosa
- Ischemia/ SHOCK
- Burn (Curling Ulcer)
- Hypovolemia
- Less blood flow
to the stomach
- systemic
- Infections
- Uremia
- Head trauma (Cushing Ulcer)
- Increased
- increased vagal
stimulation to reduce
hypoxia (PSNS)
- increased ACh
- activates
parietal cells
- increased
acid secretion
- Hypoxia
- Chemotherapy
- Mucosal erosion
- Edema and congestion of lamina propria
- Neutrophils in surface epithelial glands
- Epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting
- Hematamesis
- Complication
- Acute Gastric Ulcer
- multiple small ulcers
with non-indurated bases
- normal gastric rugae
- NOT -itis - NOT inflammation
- hyperemia, and hemorrhage
Chronic Gastritis
- Fundus/ body
- Type II HS
- NO Lymphoid aggregates
- destroy parietal cells
- achlorhydria
- can't cleave pepsinogen
- NO relief with Anti-acid because there's no acid
produced to begin with due to anti parietal Ab
- Atrophic Gastritis
- fundus/ body becomes antralized
- Intestinal metaplasia
- dysplasia
- intestinal gastric adenocarcinoma
- G- cell hyperplasia
- increase gastrin
- increase enterochromaffin
- Dysplasia
- Type I carcinoid
- preneoplastic -
produces histamine
- Pernicious anemia
- decrease IF
- decrease B12
- increase methylmalonic acid
- Neurological defic
- H. pylori
- Chronic
- Antrum - lesser
- lymphoid aggregates in LP
- + neutrophils = Chronic ACTIVE Gastritis
- uncontrolled B cells
- Produce urease > amonia to neutrolize acid,
phospholipase to break through mucosa,
- diffuse effacement of mucosa by lymphocytes
- peptic ulcer/ chronic gastritis (> 2cm)
- duodenum, stomach, GE junction, margins
of gastrojej, Meckel's, Zollinge _ food makes
it better _ worse at night _ gastric obstruction
- Complication: infla >> intestinal metaplasia >> dysplasia
- UREA IN BREATH, endoscopy (rapid urease test), silver stain, regression
of tumor with Ab (CONFIRMATORY), Ag in stool, PCR of saliva, IgA, IgG
- Chronic
Gastric Ulcer
- Lesser curvature
(more common)
- Greater curvature (less common
BUT higher chance of malignancy)
- Punched out ulcer with sharp raised margins
- Also caused by
- Tobaco
- Alcohol
- Psych stress
- Zollinger Ellison Syndrome
- rugae - spokes of a wheel
- Stages:
- N: Necrosis
- I: Infla cells
plasma, PMNs
- G: granulation
tissue (Type III
- S: Scar (Type
I collagen)
- complications: Melena _ Iron deficiency anemia _ perforation
(peritonitis) _Obstruction as it heals via scarring (PROJECTILE
VOMITING _ hematemesis _ malignant transformation (intestinal)
- Pain upon eating at night - weight loss because they're scared to eat
- Duodenal Ulcer
- Eating makes it better!
- MALToma
- dyspepsia, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, WL
- Treat with Ab, chemotherapy/
Rituximab (if relapses - 10% of cases)
- Extranodla marginal zone lymphoma
- Gram (-) on surface of lumen
- intestinal gastric
- Japan, South Korea
- Also caused by :
autoimmune, smoked
food, nitrosamines
- malignant glands that make mucin invade the
submucosa and muscularis propria (PROGNOSIS:
DEPTH OF INVASION) (Early: mucosa to
submucosa _ Advanced: beyond muscularis)
- Type 1: Diffuse
- Young women - familial
- Mutation E-cadherin - signet
ring cells with mucin - leather
bottle stomach/linitis plastica"
- Complications (diffuse ONLY):
Krukenberg tumor (ovarain
metastasis) -- also comes from
invasive lobar carcinoma of
breast and colon cancer
- Type 2: Intestinal
- Elderly
- her2neu/EGF
- Chronic Gastritis
- intestinal metastasis
- epigasric mass / pain / early satiety
/ cachexia (TNF alpha)) / bleeding /
melena (iron deficiency anemia)
- General
Virchow's LN
- Periumbilical
metastasis >>
Sister Mary
Joseph nodule
- CEA: PGCLubs -
Colon, Lungs,
Breast, Stomach
- mucosal atrophy and
epithelial metaplasia -
nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia
- Smoking and alcohol, anterectomy,
radiation, Chron's, Sarcoidosis
- Gastrointestinal
Stromal Tumor (GIST)
- #1 mesenchymal tumor in
GIT (stomach mostly
- derived from interstitial cells
of Cajal (pacemaker cells)
- Express CD117 (c-Kit) with - majority
have c-Kit mutation on exon 11
- Spindle-shaped tumor cells - submucosal
- Treatment: TKI (Imantinib, Gleevec) Same
treatment as Chronic Myeloid Leukemia