

new ideas
Georgiana Buzatu
Mindmap von Georgiana Buzatu, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Georgiana Buzatu
Erstellt von Georgiana Buzatu vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. To Promote the Building - To Change his Immage
    1. To make the building visible on the internet


      • -FACEBOOK (Check Other Similar Pages) See what activities we can make to involve all the tenanats - Like the contest with a picture of an activitiy that involves the building {- Pinterest/Instagram/Twitter/Linkedin- In base of our potential coustumers/ actual customers} -BROCHURE: (1)The New Logo (Survey for the tenants to see what Hillside represents for them in terms of color etc- We can send a newsletter to do this) (2)The pay off (Same thing as Logo) - for both of them make a contest and the one who wins get something for free/ a service/ ours for free for the little meetings room (3)The use of the building- something that defines his identity (4) a) Categorize the main activities of the tenanats- and write the main important things that they are offering (4) b) Present  the Meeting Rooms with their facilities - that we will have even on the miniflyer (5) Why choose HillSide (advantages/benefits) = that we can find on the actual site (6) The Location and most important the advantages of the Location
      1. Network


        • Meetings worth to go to promote the building
        1. To promote the bulding at local festivals/events. face-2-face meetings/ Flyers in trains/Advertising Bilboards


          • Where we can give brochures, pens,gadgets, frisbee etc
          1. To improve the bilboard outside the building
        2. To attract new clients
          1. Work Conference


            • To update the informations about  the buldings that it is already on the internet: GUMTREE/OFFICIAL SPACE/REGUS/ ETC - put all the facilitie - connect with the other tenanats the meetings room- what can they offer to the building -
            1. Meeting Rooms


              • West Hunslet Millshaw Hall
              • To change the Booking Form - Delete the details from the actual form and to attach a mini flyer with all the details of each Room-( pictures) -> consult the existing one http://www.hillside-leeds.co.uk/UserFiles/File/Brochure_Events_Insert_Jul10.pdf
              • What are the rest of the Rooms? Parkside Cross Flatts West Hunslet
            2. Space Visibile-Possible Tenants


              • Check other companies to see what do they offer. To be able to fill very quickly an empty space
            3. Change the existing site


              • The layout The colours The information Make it accessibile What to keep/ What to delete/ What to add Interactive screen with all the advantages that you can find at Hillside
              1. Newsletter


                • For the Public/ For who already rented one a meeting Room (To inform about the news/opening time) For the Tenants ( for the survey of the logo/payoff  + to inform them about the conferences booked so they migh get in touch with them- make different segmen  N  in base of the nature of the conference)
                1. Make virtual tour of the offices
                2. Change form for renting meeting room


                  • Implement a package for the people who rent the meeting room to send them via email. Form booking Room  Contact Form with Google map Event  feedback Form Brochure of Hillside
                  1. Make a feedback form after renting the room
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