New GCSE course to take 2017, notes and understanding


If you're confused about the new GCSE's happening for Year 9 in 2015, with the exams taking place in 2017, look no further. I'll hopefully give you some helpful pointers in a language you can understand! :D
Carmen Trinh
Note by Carmen Trinh, updated more than 1 year ago
Carmen Trinh
Created by Carmen Trinh about 9 years ago

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Hi everybody, I'm here to tell you the way I'm revising for my GCSE's. I'm currently in Year 9 and I'm trying to plough my way through this new GCSE which my year will be taking, lucky us! SO if you are like me and are looking for some maybe helpful advice then keep reading!So we know that the new GCSE includes harder questions and a new marking system. There will also be a lot less coursework and it is purely exam based for many subjects. In my school we have to take these: English Language, English Literature Maths One MFL (German, French, Spanish or whatever you are learning in your school) One humanity (RS, Geography, History, Ancient History)

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