Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- What is it?
- Globalisation means the greater integration of the global economy.
- Jobs and wealth in one country
are increasingly dependent on
trade and investment from other
- Countries specialise in certain types of
economic activity
- Amount of trade in
goods, services and
money is increasing
- World is connected by air
travel, shipping routes, the
- Changing employment structure
- Countries are at different stages of economic
development. The Clark-Fisher model shows this
- In post-industrial economies,
secondary industry declines
and a new sector emerges
(the quaternary sector) Which
includes scientific research
and biotechnology with
- Pre-industrial: Primary- Fishing,
farming, mining and forestry.
Examples- Ethiopia, Nepal
- Industrial: Secondary-
Manufacturing goods in
factories and workshops. Examples - China, Mexico
- Post-industrial: Tertiary-
Services such as
education, retail, banking,
health service and travel.
Examples - UK, Japan
- Contrasting employment sectors
- As countries develop and move
up stages throughout the Clark
Fisher model, the changes are; An
increase in pay/income, better
working conditions and a change
from informal to formal jobs.
- Primary work in Ethiopia - Hard, labour intensive farm work,
vulnerable to the weather, children in the family
have to work. No pay, maybe a small small amount
- Secondary work in China - Long hours, repetitive work,
lots of overtime, only want workers under 30 years of age.
£1000-£3000 a year
- Tertiary work in the UK- Good working conditions
with health and safety regulations, Paid holidays
and pensions, unsociable working hours and high
stress working environment. £20,000-£40,000 a
- Quaternary work in USA - Very good
working conditions, high stress job with
TNC demand to develop new products.
£25,000- £100,000 a year
- Global institutions and globalisation
- In the developed world, secondary jobs
have been lost, but industrialising
countries in the developing world have
gained jobs in the secondary sector.
- In industrialising countries the
number of people working in primary
jobs have fallen, people have moved
to cities to work in factories due to
better pay
- Some
tertiary jobs
like those in
call centres
have moved
from the UK
to places
such as
- Often referred to GLOBAL SHIFT
- What has caused this? Three global
institutions have helped create a more
globalised world economy
Promotes free trade by persuading countries to
reduce or remove trade barriers e.g. Taxes
Gives loans to developing countries for
infrastructure and encourages countries to
allow foreign investment to create new jobs
- Transnational Corporations (TNCs) - Aim to
reduce costs and increase profits by moving
factories to cheaper locations. This creates
new jobs in developing countries
- Most important as they are such huge,
global companies that they can
influence whole economies. E.g.
Mcdonald's has 34.,000 restaurants in
119 countries which employ 1.8 million
- The impact of globalisation on different groups of people
- More countries have become richer,
especially in the developed world
- About 300 million people
in China have been
lifted out of poverty
- However in
Africa incomes
have not
improved much at
- Male car factory workers in the USA - Ford and General Motors
have shut factories in cities of the USA and moved them to Mexico
and Brazil. Hundreds of thousands of male, well-paid workers have
lost their jobs because of this.
- Male coal miners in China- Coal has powdered China's
economic growth providing jobs for 5 million coal miners.
Up to 2000 miners die each year working 7-hour shifts
underground for £5-£8 a day
- Female factory workers in China- Women
who work for Foxconn(makes iPads and
iPhones for Apple earn about £180 a month.
Live in dormitories within the factory and work
up to 60 hours overtime a month, but pay is
much higher than in the rural areas from
which most workers migrated.
- International trade and FDI
- Money flows around the world in
several ways; through trade in
goods- through stock markets- when
money from one country is invested
in another (Foreign direct investment -
- The share of world trade has
increased for fuels like oil, coal and
gas and raw materials such as
chemicals, ores and minerals.
Industrial countries need huge
quantities of energy and raw
materials for their factories.
- Usually, a TNC will invest money from
one country to another. Could be to
open a mine, build a factory etc. 75%
of FDI capital originates in developed
- The drivers of change
- Communications are cheap-
fibre optic cables, satellites and
- Jet aircraft have
reduced costs of
- Container ships have revolutionised
trades in goods, making it cheaper and
more efficient
- TNCs- large, wealthy,
powerful and can transfer
investment around the world
- Try to maximise profits by reducing costs, and
often move production to low cost places
- Complex
network of
offices, HQs,
- State-led investment: TNC investing in another
country is supportive/partly owned by another
countries government.
- China and India have set up free trade zones
- TNCs can build factories cheap on these places
- Reduces pollution
- Secondary and Tertiary sector TNCs
- Secondary
- Dell
- Designed in Texas, 90% directly sold to
customers, sells 150,000 computers every
day, large work forces, situated all around
the world
- Tertiary
- Starbucks
- Set in Seattle, annual revenue of $10.7 billion in
2011, has over 1,000 stores in America, situated all
around the world, paper cups from Europe, Coffee
beans from South America, Sugar in Bolivia, Shops
in Singapore, Malaysia, Beijing, Japan, Korea