Zusammenfassung der Ressource
The New Right
- Familial ideology - strong moral backbone
- Free market & marketization of education
- schools compete against each other for pupils
- receive funding for every student
- standard of education goes up
- Inequality is inevitable (justified)
- Meritocratic opens competition
- Education
socialises pupils
into shared norms,
values and
- Do not believe
these goals are
being met as
schools are run
by the state
- Schools are unresponsive
- Marketize schools like business'
- Chubb & Moe
- State education has failed
to provide equality of
- Economy is failing to
equip students with
- Private schools are more efficient
- State power in education =
- Force schools to compete
- Practice Christianity
- Gewirtz -1995
- Marketization
benefits M/C &
disadvantages W/C
- TNR ignore wider society inequality
- TNR want parents to have freedom & strict curriculum (contradictory)
- Marxist argue schools transmit culture
through R/C (dominant culture)