Imagination eyes


lens proyector the imagination of the people can see your imagination
Geraldine Imbeth
Mindmap von Geraldine Imbeth, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Geraldine Imbeth
Erstellt von Geraldine Imbeth vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Imagination eyes
  1. what will it do
    1. it will project the imagination
    2. materials
      1. Prototype
        1. -glass
          1. -lanter
            1. -wire
              1. -magnifying glass
        2. original
          1. -glass
            1. -cable
              1. -damantiun
                1. plutonio
        3. characteristics
          1. 1-Easy of use
            1. 2-Confortable
              1. 3-Easy to take with you
          2. Exercise steps
            1. 1. Put on the glasses
              1. 2. Turn on
                1. 3. Use your imagination
                  1. 4. Enjoy the projection
            2. What are they for?
              1. Other people can see the imagination person
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