Academic Writing


Academic Writing: A Guide to Tertiary Level Writing Edited by Dr Natilene Bowker 2007 Academic Writing Citing and Referencing
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Academic Writing
  1. Citing and Referencing
    1. Identifying Academic Sources
      1. Primary sources relate to publicly available data, like historical documents (e.g. a transcript of oral history, interview data), raw data from an experiment, or demographic records
        1. Secondary sources draw on these primary sources of data, but have been produced for public consumption in the form of a journal article or a chapter in an edited book.
          1. Integrating the Ideas of Published Authors
            1. Citing Authors
              1. Author Citation Tips
                1. Putting Authors’ Ideas into Your Own Words
                  1. Summarising
                    1. Paraphrasing
                      1. Techniques for Putting Authors’ Ideas into Your Own Words
                        1. Verb List for Academic Writing
                          1. Changing the Sentence Structure and Form
                            1. Steps for Putting Authors’ Ideas into Your Own Words
                        2. Quoting Authors’ Ideas
                          1. Quotation Tips
                            1. When to Use Quotations or Your Own Words?
                              1. Integrating Quotations into Your Assignment
                      2. The Importance of Acknowledging Authors’ Ideas
                        1. Reference Lists
                          1. Details to Include in Your Reference List
                            1. Referencing a Book
                              1. Referencing a Chapter within an Edited Book
                                1. Referencing a Journal Article
                                  1. Diffi cult References
                                    1. Online Documents
                            2. Formatting Your Reference List
                              1. References are in alphabetical order according to the fi rst author’s surname.
                                1. With two or more publications by the same author, list the earliest dated publication fi rst.
                                  1. The second line of each reference (and thereafter) is indented by about 5 spaces. This can be formatted automatically by using the “Hanging” feature under “Indentation” within the “Indents and Spacing” section within the “Paragraph” option of the “Format” column of the menu bar, found in most Microsoft Word programmes.
                            3. When Don’t You Need to Acknowledge Authors?
                              1. Examples of common knowledge within New Zealand
                                1. Beijing is the capital of China
                                  1. Wellington is the capital of New Zealand.
                                    1. Maori are the indigenous people of New Zealand.
                                      1. The Treaty of Waitangi was signed in 1840
                          2. Academic Writing
                            1. Academic writing does many of the things that personal writing does not.
                              1. Academic writing and other writing genres is based on the citation of published authors.
                                1. Academic writing you should always follow rules of punctuation and grammar, especially as the end-user or consumer of your writing, unlike a friend, is likely to be very different from you and will not always know to what you are referring
                                  1. To summarise this introductory section, academic writing is a special genre of writing that prescribes its own set of rules and practices.
                                    1. 1. These rules and practices may be organised around a formal order or structure in which to present ideas, in addition to ensuring that ideas are supported by author citations in the literature.
                                      1. 2. Further, academic writing adheres to traditional conventions of punctuation, grammar, and spelling
                                        1. 3. Finally, in contrast to many other personal writing contexts, academic writing is different because it deals with the underlying theories and causes governing processes and practices in everyday life, as well as exploring alternative explanations for these events.
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