Tang Taizong


Mindmap am Tang Taizong, erstellt von lperozek am 19/10/2015.
Mindmap von lperozek, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von lperozek vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Tang Taizong
  1. Family
    1. Brothers
      1. Killed both his younger and his older brother. This secured him as emperor of China
      2. Father
        1. Tang Taizong, also known as Li Shimin was the second son of the Gaozu emperor. Li Shimin's father was a leader in the up rising against the Sui Dynasty.
      3. Government Reformer
        1. Confucianism
          1. He bases his government reform off of Confusion values. His Confusion mentor was Wei Zheng.
          2. Examinations
            1. Li Shimin used the examination process used in the Sui Dynasty to choose government officials. They were chosen because of their skills and abilities, and not chosen because of their social status.
          3. Religion
            1. Buddhism
              1. He promoted Buddism. Tailing built temples around China. By doing this he helps spread Buddhism through the empire.
              2. Chrisianity
                1. During his reign, he promoted Nestorian Christianity in China. He protected the Nestorian Christian Church under his rule and it became a minor religion in China.
              3. Military
                1. Expansion
                  1. When his father was emperor, there were only 5,000 horses. After his reign there were 700,000. Many of these horses were uses as tribute payment. Northern tribes would sometimes pay tribute with horses.
                    1. He used armies to seek out and conquer new territory. They tried to take Korea but failed. Li Shimin would often pit tribes against one another to wipe each other out.
                    2. During the up rising aginst the Sui, Li Shimin was a brilliant general.
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