Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Private Storage
- User
- Female
- Male
- Age
- Access
- Aesthetics
- Colour
- Materials
- Safety
- Fit in to Current
- Fixings
- Size
- Size of Female
- Shoes
- Feet
- Garter
- Thigh
- Bum Bag
- Waist
- Bra
- Chest
- Cost
- Labour
- Budget
- Materials
- How Much the User
is Willing to Pay?
- High Cost and
High Quality
- Low Cost and
Low Quality
- What Must the
Solution Do?
- Store Valuable
Items on a Person
- Easy to Access
but Secure
- Safety Considerations
- Health and Safety in
Making the Product
- Quality Control
- Legislations
- Personal Safety
- How is it Made?
- How Other
Existing Products
are Made
- Limitations of Tools
- Materials
- Source of Materials
- Environment
- Where will
it be used?
- Life Cycle
- Can it be
- Sustainable