Zusammenfassung der Ressource
An A* student......
- ...can....
- be critical
- apply technical language
- bring ideas
- use a range of
evidence and
examples effecively
- analyse errors
- show a detailed
understanding of ALL
concepts in the course
- explain unfamiliar concepts using
prior knowledge
- interpret data and draw conslusions
- apply concepts of the course
to different situations
- relate concepts to areas
outside of the A-Level course
- make links between multiple areas of the course
- solve problems in unfamiliar concepts
- give convincing arguments and
develop counter arguments
- take the lead on discussions
- ...writes...
- analytically
- with perfect SPaG
- using referencing systems accurately, if appropriate
- ...independently
- seeks out examples to support arguments
- reads current affairs and links to the A-Level course
- takes responsbility
- seeks clarification
- does wider reading to extend their own knowledge
- ....knows...
- success criteria
- how to act upon feedback and improve work
- definitions for all subject specific terminology
- their own strengths and how to use them
- their areas for development and how to improve them