distinctive landscapes


Revision Mindmap
Oliver wilcox
Mindmap von Oliver wilcox, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Oliver wilcox
Erstellt von Oliver wilcox vor etwa 2 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

distinctive landscapes
  1. landscapes
    1. visible features, make up surface of land
      1. natural (physical) and man made factors
        1. uplands, eg Grampians or Pennines, N and W, mountainous
          1. lowlands, flat/rolling, eg Cotswolds and S Downs, S
          2. geology
            1. permeability and hardness
              1. eg Chalk or Granite
            2. glaciation
              1. scoured landscapes/ wear away
                1. eg. Lake district, N and wales
                2. Arétes, pyramid peaks, corries
              2. climate and weathering
                1. uplands, more weathering. high precipitation, freezing temps = rivers, erosion. landslips/rockfalls.
                  1. mech = freze-thaw, chem = acid, bio = root
                    1. erosion
                      1. geomorphic, hydraulic, attrition, solution, abrasion
                      2. transportation
                        1. suspension, traction, saltation, solution deposition.
                      3. Holderness Coastline
                        1. Discordant (perpendicular) = headlands and bays/ Flamborough, Selwick's (differential erosion)
                          1. chalk and till/boulder clay
                          2. caves, arches, stacks, stumps
                            1. hydraulic, abrasion weathering
                            2. spit, Spurn head
                              1. Yorkshire coast, 4.8km (3miles) long from Humber Estuary
                                1. longshore drift (shingle/sediment)
                                2. climate
                                  1. warmer summer =bio weathering, stormy winters = erosion, winter =freeze thaw
                                  2. human activity
                                    1. Hornsea = Groynes stop longshore
                                      1. Eastington = Rock Armour, absorb wave enrrgy
                                        1. Mappleton = 2x rock groynes,
                                          1. Withernsea = groynes + sea wall, reflect waye energy,
                                        2. River Tees
                                          1. influence of climate
                                            1. upper = pre > evapo +2000mm impermeable bed, runoff + erosion
                                              1. upper = Freeze-thaw
                                              2. influence of Goemorphic
                                                1. waterfall = High Force. igneous dolerite carboniferous limestone (hydraulic, abrasion) 700m gorge
                                                  1. Meander = Yarm (mid) differential erosion, river cliff, slip off slope
                                                    1. Ox Bow lake = Hydraulic + abrasion, narrow neck, flood, break, cut off
                                                      1. Floodplain = low, floods, friction, deposition, alluvium builds up
                                                        1. Levées = croft-on-tees low, floods, deposition
                                                        2. influence of human activity
                                                          1. Cow green Reservoir 1967-1971, supply industry on Teesside, regulation, released
                                                            1. Yarm flood defence, in Meander bend, £2.1m Defence system, hydro and abrasion
                                                              1. dredging, improves navigation, deep water channel, increase discharge, more erosion/ transportation
                                                                1. cutting meanders, faster, more erosion/transportation
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