Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Passion Week
- Maundy Thursday
- Passover
- Institution of the new
commandment: Love each
other as Christ loves.
- Prayer in the Garden
of Gethsemane
- Saturday
- Sabath
- Rest
- Jesus dead in the tomb.
- Palm Sunday
- Triumphal Entry
- Entered Jerusalem
on a donkey
- People spread palm
branches and cloaks
- Declaring Hosanna, Hosanna,
Blessed is He who comes in
the name of the LORD.
- Wept over unrepentant
Jerusalem and its
coming destruction
- Easter
- Women returned to
the tomb to finish
burial rituals
- Tomb is empty
- Jesus is alive
- They ran to tell
the others
- Good Friday
- Trial of Jesus
- Sanhedrin
- Pilot
- Herod
- Condemned
- Crucifixion
- Buried in the Tomb of
Joseph of Arimathea
- Flogging