Originators of Theories which Affectionate the Teaching of Fereign Languages


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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Originators of Theories which Affectionate the Teaching of Fereign Languages
  1. Carl Roger's Theory of Humanistic Psychology
    1. away from 'teaching' toward 'learning'
      1. learning is personally relevant to learnes
        1. learn how learn
          1. teachers become facilitators of learning
            1. teachers have genuine trust, acceptance and a prising of other person
              1. teachers communicate openly and empathically
                1. proper context for learning
                  1. learner-centred clasrooms
                  2. The Natural Approach by Stephan Krashen
                    1. Principals
                      1. Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis
                        1. The monitor Hypothesis
                          1. The Natural Order Hypothesis
                            1. The Input Hypothesis
                              1. The Affective Filter hypothesis
                                1. Centarl idea: acquisition will ocur in enviroments where anxiety is low
                                2. The Theory of Second Language Acquisition By robert Ellis
                                  1. principles
                                    1. instructions need to ensure learners develop both a repertaire formulaic expression and a rule-based competance
                                      1. repertoire of formular expressions cater to fluency
                                        1. a rule-based competance cater to complexity and accuracy
                                        2. Instructions need to ensure that learners focus predominantly on meaning
                                          1. semantic ant progmatic
                                          2. instructions need to ensure that leatnes also focus on form
                                            1. instructiona need to be predominantly directed at developing implicit knowledge of L2 while not neglecting explicit knowledge
                                              1. instructions need to take into account the learner's 'builtin syllabas'
                                                1. successful instructed language learning requires extensive L2 input
                                                  1. successful instructed language learning requires opportunities for output
                                                    1. the opportunity to interact in the L2 is central to develop L2 proficiency
                                                      1. instructions need to take of individual differences in learning
                                                        1. in assessing learnes' L2 proficiency, it is important to examine as well as controlled production
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