Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Gramm- Leach- Bliley
- Does not protect
- Information in government real estate records
- Information from a telephone book of infromation
included on a puble and unrestricted web site
- Listed telephone nubmers provided by customers
- Filed under Title C
- Advising consumers of
the financial institution's
policies with regard to
the use and exchange of
personal information
- Personal Identifiable informations
- Information provided by a consumer to obtain
financial products or services, including
information provided to obtain a loan
- Account balance history
- The fact that an individual is or has been a
customer of a financial institution
- Information provided by a consumer to a
financial institution of its agent in relation to
collection of or servicing a loan
- Information obtained from an internet "cookie"
- Information from a consumer report
- Offering consumers the
opportunity to limit the use and
exchage of their personal
- Creating a security program to protect
personal information from
unauthorized release and disclosure
- Intial Privacy Notice to inform the customer
that the information will not be shared
- Consumer must have 30 days to "Opt-out"
to share information
- Safeguards rule