Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Emotion and motivation
- Goal setting theory
- Self determination
- Drive Reduction
- Primary drive - Innate biological hungry thirst
- Secondary Drives - drives learnt though classical conditioning
- inclusive fitness selected
- reproduction sexual motive
- care of parental and genetically related individuals
- forming alliances
- Humanistic
- Maslows heiaracy
- ERG Theory
- Motivation= Existence. Relatedness. Growth
- biological
- Nervous system- all nervous tissue in body
- Neuron - a cell of the nervous system
- Neurotransmitters- chemicals that regulate communication between neurons
- neuroanatomy
- Cerebrum - large recent evolved- majority of brain
- cerebal cortex - outer layer or cerebrum- complex cognitive fuction
- hemisphere of cortext - left and right
- Limbric system - loop brain structure beneath cerembum & above central core - INCLUDES and more
- Amygdala
- Septum
- Hippocampus
- Thalamus -central brain structure responsible for relaying sensory infomation
- Hypothalamus-small structure in central core responsible for regulatory and motivational functions
- Endocrine system - system of ductless glands,synthesis hormones & secrete into bloodstrean
- hormones- chemicals secreted into blood (via endocrine system). regulates range of internal motivational emotional responces
- Testoterone, estrogen, cortisol, insulin etc
- left hemisphere- plesant emotions/approach behaviour
- Right Hemisphere- unplesant emotions/ avoidant behav
- important social process
- social comparison
- adaption
- we quickly take things for granted
- we are happy to extent that situation is constanly improving
- depression after lotto win
- happiness after amputee
- happiness depends on life outlook
- we are happy to the extent that comparisons are favourable
- Gap theorist explain- discrepancy between autual self and ideal self
- positive psych - focus on the good/gratitude
- Lobes -each with own function
- Frontal
- Temporal
- parietal
- occipital
- Central Nervous system =Brain and spinal chord
- Peripheral nervous system :comprised of
- Somatic neurvous system- nerves running to & from sense organs and voluntary muscles
- Autonomic Nervous system - Nerves running to & from Internal organs and glands
- Symphatetic Division - gears the body for action
- Parasympthetic division - handles routine function
- 5 components of emotions
- 1-Affective (subjective) feeling state of emotion
- dimentions measured by Affect Intensity Measure
- Pleasantness -(hendonic tone) happy, sad. pleased etc
- Intensity- content, happy, ecstatic etc
- Duration- surprised , depressed
- Complexity - fear, grief, envy
- 2- Physiological
- Higher brain / cortext esp prefrontal (orbitofrontal) regions
- Limbric system esp amygdala(stimulates emotional expression
- amygdala-stimulates emotional expression
- The septum-expresses emotional expression
- Central Core - medulla -regulates autonomic facial expresions
- Hypothalmus-recieves please/pain signals, regulates bodily responce
- Autonomic Nervous system, more instantionious
- Endocrine System - more sustained
- cardiovascular, respiratory, ocular, salivary ect response
- 3. perceptual/ cognitive.
- Stimulus -> cog apprasial -> affect
- snake->in a zoo -> currious/not scared
- apraise environment and atribute aurosal
- 4.Expressive
- 8 main channels
- physiological -trembling,sweating ect
- Facial- mouth, lips,eyes eyebrows etc
- Postural- shoulder, head, lean etc
- gestural- fingers hands arms shoulders
- paralinguistic- voice quality rate pitch volume
- Verbal - spoken written
- behavioural-esp that outside consious control
- Seligman's 3 components of happiness
- The pleasant life
- The Engaged life
- The meaningful life
- life spent using ones strengths & talents to belong to & serve 'something bigger'
- life full of engagment involvment and absorption in work, intimate relationships and leisure
- life of positive emotion- joy delight pride- hope about the present past & future
- 5.Conative (motivational)
- fear may induce retract behaviour
- happiness and anger could result in approaching behaviour