compression, encryption + hashing


Mindmap am compression, encryption + hashing, erstellt von Amara f am 23/05/2024.
Amara f
Mindmap von Amara f, aktualisiert vor 9 Monate
Amara f
Erstellt von Amara f vor 9 Monate

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

compression, encryption + hashing
    1. lossy
      1. reduces the file size by permanently removing some of its information.
        1. image, video + audio files
          1. decrease in quality, inability to return to the original format
        2. lossless
          1. compressed files by recording patterns in data instead of the actual data the original file can be recovered from the compressed version.
            1. text files, source code, bank statements
              1. doesn't reduce file size as much as lossy does
              2. dictionary encoding
                1. frequently occurring pieces of data are replaced by smaller groups of indexes when being transferred.
                  1. A dictionary is then used to say which indexes match which groups of characters.
                    1. When decompressed the dictionary is used to replace the tokens with the original text
                2. RLE
                  1. repeated values are removed and replaced with one occurrence of the data followed by the number of times it should be repeated.
              3. ENCRYPTION
                1. process of converting plaintext into cipher text
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