Tag Questions


Mindmap am Tag Questions, erstellt von Daniel Neves am 09/11/2015.
Daniel Neves
Mindmap von Daniel Neves, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Daniel Neves
Erstellt von Daniel Neves vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Tag Questions
  1. The tag questions are questions used in the end of sentences affirmative or negative in the past, present and future.
    1. Used for encourage someone, or become a fact really.
    2. In affirmatives questions is used negative tag question in the end.
      1. For Example:
        1. Kate is a beautiful girl, isn't she?
      2. In negative questions is used affirmative tag questions in the end.
        1. For Example:
          1. Kate and Chris aren't beautiful, are they?
        2. In past questions be used "DID" tag questions in the end will be in the past.
          1. For Example:
            1. Did you opened the door, didn't you?
          2. In past questions negatives be used "DID + NOT" tag questions in the end will be in the past.
            1. For Example:
              1. Didn't you closed the door, didn't you?
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