Protein Kinase C


Mapa conceptual de proteina kinasa
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Protein Kinase C
  1. Regulated by two mechanisms
      1. Regulates the active site and subcellular localization of the enzyme.
        1. Promote protein kinase C's membrane association and resulting pseudosubstrate exposure.
      3. transduces the myriad of signals promoting lipid hydrolysis.
        1. Structure
          1. Comprised of an N-terminal regulatory region and a C-terminal catalytic region
            1. 11 protein kinase C isozymes have been identified and classified into three groups based on their structure and cofactor regulation
          2. Function
            1. Enzymology
              1. Protein kinase C typically phosphorylates serine or threonine residues in basic sequences.
                1. In addition to catalyzing phosphorylation reactions, protein kinase C has ATPase and phosphatase activity.
            2. Biological Function
              1. in receptor desensitization, in modulating membrane structure events, in regulating transcription.
                1. in mediating immune responses, in regulating cell growth, and in learning and memory.
                2. Pseudosubstrate Regulation
                  1. Diacylglycerol and Phorbol Esters
                    1. Phosphatidylserine
                      1. Calcium Ions
                        1. Substrates
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