Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Methods of
- Feedback
- Notational Analysis e.g defenders
beaten per game vs attempts
- Objective
- Extrinsic
- Coach
- Subjective and Objective views
- Intrinsic
- Exteroceptive
- Observing myself that I have beaten a defender
- Proprioceptive
- Feeling the movement of a side
step as one of a positive outcome
- GPS System
- Used to give me specific data of how many metres over the
gain line I have made as a result of the defenders I have
- Video Anaylsis
- Being able to analysis my movement when attempting to
beat a defender to see whether or not I am in a strong body
position in order to manipulate the defender
- Being able to count how many defenders I have
beaten and how many offloads I made
- Peer Assessment
- Questionaires
- Feedback after game to rate my performance of my evasion skills