Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Russian Recovery after WW2
- Consequences of War
- Civilian deaths: 19 million
- Soldiers killed: 9 million
- Villages destroyed: 70,000
- Kholkoz wasted: 100,000
- Scorched earth policy: Territory
recovered of not much value
- Labour camps: 1.6m in 1942--> 4.7m in 1947
- Territory
- Gained: Estonia, Latvia,Lithuania
- Satellite sates: East Germany,
Poland, Czechoslovakia,
Hungary, Romania+Bulgaria
- Industrial Development
- 4th 5-year plan: Heavy industry+transport
- Urban workforce: 67m-77m
- More women( men died in war)
- 1947: Devaluation of the rouble by 90%
- Everyone lost savings
- Consumer goods in short supply
- Collective farms: 1/3 of
pre-war levels (less men)
- Collectivisation resumed
- Wages on farms= 20% of industrial wages
- USSR only second to USA in industrial capacity
- Harvest fail+drought
- 1945 harvest= 60% of pre-war levels
- 1946: nation-wide drought
- Cult of personality
- Accepted that Stalin was absolute after victory
- 'Mature dictatorship' reached