Zusammenfassung der Ressource
- Buddy James
- Has companies that regularly fail
- Inherent Risk
- Inherent Risk of family business
- Collusion
- Where is the most profit for buddy
- Own Scary Spices
- Can create contracts alone
- No Segregation of duties
- Less controls as easier to run?
- Concerns about rates
- Is always looking for investors
- Oliver James
- Losing Interest in Business
- Quality of character
- Cash Advances
- Are these in the journals
- Who is giving permission for this?
- Uncle CFO?
- Licence fee is 2nd biggest expsnes
- Done at correct price?
- Ignorant or involved?
- Inventory
- Foreign Invoices
- Suspense Account
- Incorrectly Recognised due to timing errors
- #88888 from barings bank
- Is Money going missing
- No controls on invoice/receipt confirmation
- Part deliveries accepted and paid
- Stock goes out of date
- Is this done correctly
- Small Products easily stolen
- Warehouse Controls
- Warehosue Existence?
- Access and movement controls
- Revenue
- Who are these unpaying customers
- Funneling money out
- Is all the revenue from legitimate sources
- Is it all there??
- How is the income recognised?
- Past subscriptions were not recorded
- What does the audit trail show us
- Where is this money now
- Why were they not recorded
- Vouchers are incorrectly treated
- Should be recognised when customer activates, treated as liability until tthen
- Can be recognised if gone unused after x years
- Check usual business practice
- Where is the profit?
- Provision
- Has this been expensed