Lenin's Impact on the Russian Civil War


Lenin's contribution to the civil war's success
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Lenin's Impact on the Russian Civil War
  1. War Communism, June 1918
    1. The Bolsheviks nationalised the factories
      1. Army Discipline was Introduced, persuading forces not to desert.
        1. Strikes were made illegal.
          1. They introduced rationing and forced the peasants to give food to the government.
            1. This put the whole nation on a war footing, and gave the Bolshevik armies the supplies they needed.
              1. War Communism was a economic policy adopted by Lenin
              2. Lenin spread a campaign of Propaganda to generate support for the Red Army and the Bolsheviks
                1. The Cheka, December 1917
                  1. The Cheka was the secret police set up by Lenin
                    1. The Cheka was used to remove political opposition
                      1. The Cheka murdered any Whites they found – more than 7000 people were executed
                        1. Red Army generals were kept loyal by taking their families hostage
                          1. Bolsheviks were united and disciplined towards a single end – winning the war
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