Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Being an intentional teacher
- Knowledge of Content
- How do teachers meet the
individual needs of students
within a large classroom?
- The teacher has to understand the student
- student's
- English language learners
- student's rate of
of instructional
- Reading level
- small groups
- slow or fast
- provide more time if students need it
- student's prior knowledge
- hearing sounds in words
- Letter ID
- Concepts about Print
- student's vocabulary
- knowledge
about language
- student's
- good at math
- cultural background
- home environment
- students weaknesses
- not a fluent reader
- Knowledge of Diversity
- How do I inlcude diversity in my
- lesson plan about different races
- children paint pictures of themselves
- write how they are
different from their
- Culture party
- Bring in food from
different cultures
- Invite
people to come
to talk the
- Books
- Children of different races
- Include children's parents
- `traditions
- pictures
- religion
- music
- from around the world
- instruments
- Dramatic play clothing
- Knowledge of teaching and learning
- How do I encourage child directed reading?
- Let the child pick their book
- Bring books from home
- child reads story to teacher
- This makes the child feel
- read the story to child
- introduce new vocabulary to student
- Ask the child questions about the story
- keep a list of how many books the
child has read
- The child can write down the books
they read with parents help
- The student learns to be responsible
- Set a time for reading
- Chiildren read together