Zusammenfassung der Ressource
ornaments used in baroque and classical
- fiddly notes that stand out from the main tune
- trills
- tiny quick notes
- baroque= the trill starts one note above the written
note then goes quick back and forth between the
written note and the note you started on
- classical= the trill usually starts on the written note and goes up to the note above
- the second to last note is usually one below the written note
- appoggiaturas
- clash with the chord
- takes half the value of the following note
- big interval between the two notes
- the note after is always one above/below
- it is called the resolution, which has to be
from the accompanying chord
- fall on strong beat, the resolution note falls on a weaker beat
- acciatura's have a line through and played very quickly
- set patterns of notes
- mordents start off like trills
- although they end on the written note, which is played abit longer
- upper mordents
- lower mordents
- turns start on note above the written note, then the
note below the written note. tthen ends on written note
- an inverted turn starts on the note below written
note-> through written note->note above
that->back to written note
- passing notes
- link the notes before and after
- weak beats
- when they are on the strong beats they're
called accented passing notes
- AbC