
PE Mindmap am PE, erstellt von georgem am 09/04/2013.
Mindmap von georgem, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von georgem vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

  1. Government health initiatives
    1. SSCO (schools sport coordinater)
      1. links between primary and secondary schools
        1. organise different types of sport
          1. try and get everyone involved in sport
            1. target specific groupes
            2. One hour of physical activity per day
              1. Five hours of high quality PE and sport per week
                1. 5 a day
                  1. promote healthy eating
                    1. try to reduce obesity
                    2. Walk/bike to work/school
                      1. reduce health issues by doing physical activity
                        2. Top tips for top mums
                          1. extension of 5 a day campaign
                            1. parents share ideas with each other on how to get children eating fruit and veg
                              1. targets families with low income
                              2. Change for Life
                                1. improve childrens diet and general lifestyle
                                  1. 'eat well, move more, live longer'
                                    2. Five choices
                                      1. should not smoke
                                        1. regular physical activity
                                          1. eat a healthy diet
                                            1. try to loose weight if obese
                                              1. dont drink too much alcohol
                                            2. SMART(ER) targets
                                              1. Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Time Exciting Recorded
                                                1. specific- to you and your sport and performance, easy and clear to achieve
                                                  1. measurable- monitor what we are doing
                                                    1. achievable/agreed- performer or coach think you can do it
                                                      1. realistic- if the performer can reach the goal or not
                                                        1. time- realistic time the performer can achieve the goal in
                                                          1. exciting- has to stimulate the performer otherwise they wont improve
                                                            1. recorded- recording all the time what you are doing, set new targets
                                                            2. SPORT (principles of training)
                                                              1. Specificity Progression Overload Reversibility
                                                                1. Specificity- every exercise has a specific effect on your body/specific muscles
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