Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Nutrient Basics
- Where do we get nutrients?
- We get nutrients from the food we eat
- Foods fuels our body
- In order to properly fuel our body we must eat the right foods
- Why do we need nutrients?
- Fuel our energy
- Help you grow
- Repair our body
- Maintain basic bodily functions
- What are the 6 essential nutrients?
- water
- most basic nutrient and most important
- your body can't survive without water
- carbohydrates
- protein
- most people get plenty of
- provides energy
- repair body tissues
- fat
- Need healthy fat so your brain can work well
- vitamins
- break down and release energy
- minerals
- Two types of carbohydrates
- simple
- high in calories
- low in nutritional value
- have vitamins and fiber
- complex
- excellent soucre of energy
- rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber
- An ideal source of energy
- easily converted into glucose
- Fiber
- Aids in digestion and elimintion
- reduces risk of heart disease
- promotes regularity
- indegestable but promotes digeston
- amino acids
- 20 total amino acids
- 9 essential amino acids
- fats (continued)
- helps you grow and provides healthy skin
- enhances taste of food
- provide energy