Zusammenfassung der Ressource
Autumn Falls olivia McCubbin
- Author: Bella Thorn
- Autumn Falls
- Setting
- In Florida
- Theme
- Main conflict
- With her fiery red hair, new-girl
outsider status, and tendency to be a
total klutz, Autumn Falls definitely
isn’t flying below the radar at
Aventura High. Luckily, she makes
some genuine friends who take her
under their wing. But she also
manages to get on the wrong side of
the school’s queen bee, and then
finds out the guy she’s started to like,
funny and sweet Sean, hangs with
the mean crowd. Now her rep and
her potential love life are at stake.
- Olivia McCubiin
- On a scale 1-10 I would rate this
book a 9 1/2 because It is a really
good book and it tells you some
life leasons
- Amalita
- Out going,
Black hair,
shy, short
- Sean
- Kind,
blue eyes,
dark skin,