Volleyball Kick


Mindmap von alejandrocascale, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von alejandrocascale vor mehr als 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Volleyball Kick
  1. Definition
    1. Each play starts off with a serve. The server steps behind the line at the very back of the court, called the end line, and has freedom to serve from wherever he or she pleases as long as the foot does not touch or cross the line
    2. Types of Volleyball´s Kicks
      1. The Underhand Serve
        1. The underhand serve is simple the player holds the ball in the hand opposite from the hitting hand. Hold the ball below the waist and above the knee so that with bent knees, the server is in good position to get the ball over the net.
        2. Overhand Serves: The Floater
          1. Hold the ball at about eye-level with your left hand on the bottom and your right hand on top. The toss should only be high enough so that when you pull back your right arm, the hand contacts the ball on its downward swing. Stop the motion of your right arm when your hand contacts the ball.This serve allows the ball to float and wiggle in the air.
          2. Topspin
            1. Toss the ball high enough so that the right arm can come down on the ball in a snapping motion on the underside of the ball,don´t stop the motion of the right arm when it contacts the ball; rather, turn your shoulder away from the bal
            2. Jump Serve
              1. This is a very advanced type of serve, and it should only be used at high skill levels the player tosses the ball high in the air and takes a multistep approach to hitting the ball.Although the player may land in the court after the jump serve, the feet must leave the ground behind the end line to be legal.
            3. Video
              1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3E0pwPUDcA
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