Foods for a Healthy Brain by Luma1


Mindmap am Foods for a Healthy Brain by Luma1, erstellt von 呂倍宜 am 14/12/2015.
Mindmap von 呂倍宜, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von 呂倍宜 vor etwa 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Foods for a Healthy Brain by Luma1
  1. Whole grains
    1. including our brains
      1. need blood flow to function well
        1. One way to protect our hearts
          1. help prevent strokes and heart diseases
          2. Berries
            1. improve one's learning capacity
              1. reduce symptoms of depression
                1. lower the risk of age-related diseases like Alzheimer's
                  1. eat one cup of fresh or frozen berries per day
                  2. Tea
                    1. Two to three cups of tea daily can help our memory and concentration
                      1. Drink the fershly brewed kind,bottled tea don't count
                      2. Dark chocolate
                        1. made from cocoa
                          1. increase our brain power
                            1. experiment
                              1. five days of eating cocoa improved blood flow to the brain
                              2. eating more than fifteen to thirty grams per day may lead to weight gain
                              3. Walnuts
                                1. good for our brains
                                  1. shaped like a brain
                                  2. Fish
                                    1. slow down our brains' aging process
                                      1. short-term memory live longer in people who eat fish regularly
                                      2. Blanced blood sugar
                                        1. brain's super fuel
                                          1. Too much ‘fast’ sugar means a blood sugar high and hyperactivity
                                            1. The excess sugar in the blood gets dumped into storage as abdominal fat
                                              1. Too much sugar and your child may be hyperactive and find it hard to concentrate
                                                1. Too little and they may feel tired, irritable and find it hard to concentrate
                                                2. Ensure essential fats
                                                  1. Eat plenty of seeds and nuts
                                                    1. You can grind and sprinkle them on cereal, soups and salads.
                                                    2. Eat cold-water carnivorous fish 2 or 3 times a week
                                                      1. sardines, mackerel, herring, kipper or wild/organic salmon.
                                                      2. Choose fish oil and starflower or evening primrose oil to supplement fats
                                                        1. Avoid deep fried, browned and processed foods
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