Mail Etiquette


Mindmap von Arbi , aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Arbi vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Mail Etiquette
  1. Be thoughtful and polite
    1. Start every email with a greeting. Make sure to use an appropriate salutation.
      1. Never forget to include a closing phrase at the end of the message, e.g. Best regards, Sincerely, or Thank you
        1. Do not forward email messages without your personal comment or a short personal note; otherwise this may sound impolite.
        2. Use proper grammar, spelling and punctuation
          1. Use a proper sentence structure in your email messages
            1. Do not type your message in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS
              1. Avoid using informal words like "coz", "ain't", "gotta", etc.
              2. Make it easy to read and understand your message
                1. Use complete sentences
                  1. Include all necessary details
                    1. Make your message brief and to the point
                    2. Check it twice before you send
                      1. Before clicking Send, reread your email to make sure it is not emotionally charged or impolite.
                        1. Spell-check your message before sending
                          1. Make sure the Subject field in not empty
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